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What word will you pick?

Dr. Salwa Shahbal

Hello everyone,

I hope you all have had a good start to the year. Most of us begin a new year with setting resolutions which honestly, we are barely able to achieve. For those who do though, kudos to you.

Therefore, I believe this year we should probably look at things differently and instead of having grand resolutions and goals, we stick to make actionable changes to our lives. We can do this by choosing to associate ourselves and our action using a specific word that resonates with us. This method is known as the word of the year method.

The word of the year method

This simply means picking one word that resonates with you completely and being committed to stick to what the word truly means to you. It ensures that all your actions are pegged around fulfilling this for the year. For example, if your word is BRAVE, then you work towards living each day achieving to be brave.

How to choose your word

This is mostly the hardest part at the beginning but once you get used to this method it becomes easy. My suggestion is:

- Create some time alone to think of what you want to achieve in the year

- Write down all the main words that come up in your mind

- Pick 3 out of the list that will encompass most of your goals

- Zero in on one and if the other two are equally important you can always dedicate another year for them.

How to use your word

Once you have picked your word, start incorporating it in your daily life. Lets use the example above of the word BRAVE. This would mean anything from:

- learning to put yourself first by creating time to do things you love

- saying NO to activities and people that don’t add to your value to your time

- learning a new skill

- learning a new sport

- making time in your schedule to put in all activities that bring you closer to be a better version of yourself.

Remember, at the end of the day you must be committed to live and breath the word you chose, followed by consistency.

I wish you all a lovely 2022

Kind regards;

Dr.Salwa Shahbal



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