Dear all,
I hope this finds you in good health and spirits. The holidays are finally here and everyone is busy rushing to finish last minute shopping and planning major feasts for family and friends. Holidays are for coming together with your loved ones, sharing moments and spending quality time together. Lets not forget, some of the best times during the holidays revolve around food!
Talking about food, holiday season means everyone goes over and beyond their normal routines and make very special meals. These meals unfortunately are traditionally rich in terms of the kinds of ingredients used. Lots of desserts, butter, carbohydrates and in Kenya, plenty of nyama choma and Tusker baridi!
We do not mind you enjoying a good meal but keep in mind, healthy eating is a lifestyle. This means even during the holiday season one should always be aware of what they eat and also the level of activity done.

So today we will give a short list of things to do to help you get through the holidays in a fun and healthy way without losing yourself in the whole merry of things.
1. Always remember portion control. If your main meal has the right amounts of healthy food, it will give you leeway to grab some dessert afterwards.
2. Eat your main meal first, and slowly.
3. Try use healthier options to make traditional meals. For example, bake instead of frying.
4. Always have plenty of vegetable ready on the table. Serve these first on your plate.
5. Choose wisely what you can indulge in and best pick one. Then never forget portion control also applies.
6. Consume minimal alcohol.
7. Put aside 30 minutes of some moderate activity a day, this can easily include dancing to your favorite music.
8. Research the net for healthy ways to make meals for the holidays.
9. Don’t forget to take your medication during all the fun.
10. Ensure you keep monitoring your blood glucose.
Remember, its easier to control your portions and have good glucose control during the holidays compared to having uncontrolled sugars.
We wish you all happy & healthy holidays that will be filled with love and hopefully no extra waist inches afterwards.

Kind regards:
Dr. Salwa Shahbal.
#Holidays #ChsritsmasHolidayKenya #NyamaChoma #DiabetesinKenya