Dear all,
In our last post we discussed on the effects of recurrent fungal infection in women causing marital issues. Today I will touch on another major complication of Diabetes affecting marriages in more than one way.
Erectile Dysfunction is not your fault
As we are aware, one of the common complications of Diabetes is sexual dysfunction in both men & women. For men especially not being able to perform sexually has been associated with a lot of psychosocial problems, with most of my patients complaining of marital disputes due to this. We need to understand that getting an erection for a man is associated with feelings of masculinity and self-worth. Hence being unable to get an erection and/or to please their partners, most men will loose confidence in themselves. It is important to understand that prolonged periods of uncontrolled blood glucose caused damage to the nerves and blood vessels supplying the penis.

Is he cheating?
The inability to perform sexually will therefore lead to partners wondering if the other party is cheating. Bringing a lot of chaos into homes. I always recommend patients to talk to their partners regarding what is happening and if they cannot, I normally recommend they come in with their partners for a review. When the frequency of sexual intercourse starts to go down, or the libido is low, most partners are quick to make conclusions of infidelity. This coupled with a man who is shy to discuss he is having issues, makes everything worse.

Talk it out. With your doctor and your partner. Your partner needs to understand the challenges that you are facing to be empathetic and supportive.
Also, your doctor needs to be aware to manage you better. I have come across many patients not giving correct information due to the stigma.

Second is to ensure excellent glucose and blood pressure control through proper follow up, taking your medication, eating healthy, smoking cessation & exercising
Lastly, if the effects cannot be reversed understand there is a lot of options we have for treatment. So do not despair.
