Hypoglycaemia, also commonly known as a Hypo, is when a blood glucose goes below <3.9mmol/L. A hypo can be unnerving for most and require immediate action.
What are the symptoms of a hypoglycaemic event?
A hypo can happen at any time and it is paramount that all patients with Diabetes have a glucometer with them at all times. Signs and symptoms include:
· Tremors/feeling shaky
· Hunger
· Irritability
· Sweating
· Palpitations
· Dizziness
· Loss of consciousness in extreme cases
· Convulsions

What to do next
When you start having such symptoms the first thing is to test your sugars. Anything below 3.9mmol/L is considered hypoglycaemia.
Next step is to treat the hypo. We use the 15:15 rule to safely correct a hypo without switching to a hyper (high sugars)
The 15:15 rule
This means 15 grams of simple sugar every 15 minutes. Example of 15 grams of simple sugar are:
· 3 teaspoons of sugar/glucose in water
· 3 melted candy like tropical
· 100mls of soda or fruit juice (non-diet)
· Glucose tablets (read manufacturers advice)
· 3 medium sized dates

The above should be taken quickly then the patient should rest. 15 minutes later repeat your blood glucose if above 4.0mmol/L continue to have a complex carbohydrate meal/snack like a sandwich, fruit or yoghurt with nuts

If the sugars are still below 3.9mmol/L, repeat another 15grams of simple sugar as above. If by the 3rd time the sugars are still low, start heading to a nearby hospital.
